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Summary Statistics and Association Analysis

All of these steps must be performed on your Ubuntu AWS terminal window.

Remember that VCF files are variant calling format files that have a very specific structure. PLINK does not take vcf files as inputs. So you must convert the ".vcf" into PLINK readable format: ped and map.

PED and MAP files are plain text files; ped files contain genotype information (one individual per row) and map files contain information on the name and position of the markers in the PED file.

First change directories to "GWAS":

cd /home/ubuntu/GWAS

Then make the map and ped files:

vcftools --vcf pruned_coatColor_maf_geno.vcf --plink --out coatColor

the --plink options outputs the genotype data in PLINK ped format. Two files are generated, with suffixes ".ped" and ".map"


If you get a vcftools install error, follow the directions in the error message to install vcftools. Visit the vcftools page of this tutorial for detailed installation instructions.

Step 2: Create list of minor alleles

Population Genetics Terms

For a given locus

Major allele: is the most common allele in the population

Minor allele: is the least common allele in the population

Risk allele: in the context of a disease, is the allele associated with the disease. For most Mendelian diseases, and a few (multi-gene) complex diseases, the risk allele is the minor allele. However, in some cases, the risk allele can be the major allele.

For the purposes of this tutorial, we will set the minor allele at each SNP locus to be the risk (or reference) allele. This makes visualization and interpretation of results easier.

In order to specify the minor allele as the reference allele for PLINK (A1), you must create a list of these alleles. We're calling the list "minor_alleles". To do so, run:

cat pruned_coatColor_maf_geno.vcf | awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t";}/#/{next;}{{if($3==".")$3=$1":"$2;}print $3,$5;}'  > minor_alleles

A detailed explanation of awk is beyond the scope of this tutorial. However, the gist of this code is that it grabs the vcf file, extracts the third (SNP position info) and fifth (minor allele info) columns, and outputs them into a file called "minor_alleles".


In the vcf file, the REF column contains major alleles and the ALT column contains minor alleles. For this tutorial, we are grabbing the ALT column from the vcf file and using it to set the minor alleles as the reference alleles in PLINK.

Step 3: Quality Control

Quality control (QC) is an important step in GWAS and must be done per individual and per marker.

Per-individual QC of GWA data consists of identifying individuals with: 1) missing genotype or heterozygosity rate. 2) replicated samples or closely related individuals. 3) identification of individuals of divergent ancestry.

Per-marker QC of GWA data consists of identifying SNPs with: 1) lots of missing genotypes. 2) significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). 3) largely different missing genotype rates between cases and controls. 4) very low minor allele frequencies

Read more about quality control in this journal article by Anderson et al. 2011

Missing rates

In this tutorial, we will generate some simple summary statistics on rates of missing data in the file, using the --missing option:

plink --file coatColor --make-pheno coatColor.pheno "yellow" --missing --out miss_stat --noweb --dog --reference-allele minor_alleles --allow-no-sex --adjust
|        PLINK!       |     v1.07      |   10/Aug/2009     |
|  (C) 2009 Shaun Purcell, GNU General Public License, v2  |
|  For documentation, citation & bug-report instructions:  |
|        |

Skipping web check... [ --noweb ]
Writing this text to log file [ miss_stat.log ]
Analysis started: Wed Sep 16 20:46:53 2020

Options in effect:
   --file coatColor
   --make-pheno coatColor.pheno yellow
   --out miss_stat
   --reference-allele minor_alleles

 476840 (of 476840) markers to be included from [ ]
 Warning, found 53 individuals with ambiguous sex codes
 Writing list of these individuals to [ miss_stat.nosex ]
 53 individuals read from [ coatColor.ped ]
 0 individuals with nonmissing phenotypes
 Assuming a disease phenotype (1=unaff, 2=aff, 0=miss)
 Missing phenotype value is also -9
 0 cases, 0 controls and 53 missing
 0 males, 0 females, and 53 of unspecified sex
 Constructing a binary phenotype from [ coatColor.pheno ]
 Test value is [ yellow ] and missing value is [ -9 ]
 53 of 53 individuals assigned to 2 cluster(s)
 Set 24 cases and 29 controls, 0 missing, 0 not found
 Reading SNPs to set reference allele [ minor_alleles ]
 Set reference alleles for 476840 SNPs, 424930 different from minor allele
 Before frequency and genotyping pruning, there are 476840 SNPs
 53 founders and 0 non-founders found
 Writing individual missingness information to [ miss_stat.imiss ]
 Writing locus missingness information to [ miss_stat.lmiss ]
 Total genotyping rate in remaining individuals is 0.977191
 0 SNPs failed missingness test ( GENO > 1 )
 0 SNPs failed frequency test ( MAF < 0 )
 After frequency and genotyping pruning, there are 476840 SNPs
 After filtering, 24 cases, 29 controls and 0 missing
 After filtering, 0 males, 0 females, and 53 of unspecified sex

 Analysis finished: Wed Sep 16 20:47:10 2020


What are all these PLINK tags?

--file: tells it the name of PLINK readable files

--missing: produces sample-based and variant-based missing data reports using default filters

--out: name of the output file

--dog: tells PLINK to look at the dog genome The default reference genome option is human. Other available options are: --mouse, --horse, --cow and --sheep

--make-pheno: tells PLINK to look at the coatColor.pheno file for phenotype information and sets the alternative phenotype to "yellow"

--reference-allele: sets the A1 or minor allele using the file minor_alleles

--allow-no-sex: since our dataset does NOT have a "sex" field, this option allows plink to ignore the missing sex field

--noweb: each time PLINK runs, it checks for an update. On a slow network this sometimes causes delays and the --noweb option disables this

There's a lot of information in the output, but the relevant bits:

476840 (of 476840) markers to be included from []
Indicates that all markers can be included.

53 individuals with ambiguous sex codes
There is no column for sex in our dataset. That's fine, you told PLINK to ignore sex.

Test value is [yellow] and missing value is [-9]
53 of 53 individuals assigned to 2 cluster(s)
Set 24 cases and 29 controls, 0 missing, 0 not found
This means 53 individuals have been assigned to two clusters: test (yellow coat color) and control (dark coat color). There are 24 yellow coat color and 29 dark coat color individuals, and no individuals have missing phenotype data.

Total genotyping rate in remaining individuals is 0.977
About 2% of genotypes are missing after thresholding.

0 SNPs failed missingness test (GENO>1)
0 SNPs failed frequency test (MAF<0)
Here, GENO>1 means exclude an individual if all of its genotypes are missing. Obviously, this is a pretty lenient parameter. Similarly, MAF (minor allele frequency)<0 means exclude all minor alleles that have a frequency lower than 0. You may wish to change these thresholds based on your research question by explicitly specifying --mind or --geno or --maf.

The per individual and per SNP rates are then output to the files "miss_stat.imiss" and "miss_stat.lmiss", respectively. If you had not specified an --out option, the root output filename would have defaulted to "plink".

Look at the per SNP rates by running:

less miss_stat.lmiss
CHR                                    SNP   N_MISS   N_GENO   F_MISS
1                          BICF2P1489653        1       53  0.01887
1                             chr1:11368        0       53        0
1                        BICF2G630707787        0       53        0
1                             chr1:22137        0       53        0
1                             chr1:22143        0       53        0
1                             chr1:23623        0       53        0
1                             chr1:23651        2       53  0.03774
1                             chr1:23653        2       53  0.03774
1                         BICF2S23441188        1       53  0.01887
1                             chr1:30122        2       53  0.03774
1                             chr1:30173        2       53  0.03774
1                             chr1:30370        1       53  0.01887
1                             chr1:30664        0       53        0
1                             chr1:30723        0       53        0
1                             chr1:31554        1       53  0.01887
1                             chr1:32439        1       53  0.01887
1                             chr1:33435        1       53  0.01887
1                             chr1:34323        0       53        0
1                           BICF2P476457        1       53  0.01887
1                        BICF2G630707798        0       53        0
1                             chr1:35781        1       53  0.01887
1                              rs8471230        0       53        0

For each SNP, you see the number of missing individuals (N_MISS) and the proportion of individuals missing (F_MISS). For examples, the SNP BICF2P1489653 is missing in 1 out of 53 individuals, giving it a missing frequency of 0.01886792452 (i.e. 1/53). Lower proportions are better!

You can quit this mode and return to the terminal by typing Q.

Similarly, look at the per individual rates in the "miss_stat.imiss" by typing

less miss_stat.imiss
You can quit this mode and return to the terminal by typing Q.

  dark_13   dark_13          N     4994   476840  0.01047
  dark_23   dark_23          N     4478   476840 0.009391
  dark_21   dark_21          N     4739   476840 0.009938
  yellow_5  yellow_5         N    15094   476840  0.03165
  yellow_6  yellow_6         N    13889   476840  0.02913
  dark_1    dark_1           N     5703   476840  0.01196
  dark_7    dark_7           N     4895   476840  0.01027
  dark_9    dark_9           N    23771   476840  0.04985
  dark_2    dark_2           N    33736   476840  0.07075
  dark_10   dark_10          N    20475   476840  0.04294
  dark_8    dark_8           N     5331   476840  0.01118
  yellow_24 yellow_24        N     3932   476840 0.008246
  yellow_22 yellow_22        N     5199   476840   0.0109
  dark_17   dark_17          N      448   476840 0.0009395
  dark_18   dark_18          N     1622   476840 0.003402
  dark_4    dark_4           N     5691   476840  0.01193
  dark_6    dark_6           N     5419   476840  0.01136
  dark_5    dark_5           N    18523   476840  0.03885
  yellow_16 yellow_16        N     7534   476840   0.0158
  yellow_14 yellow_14        N     1640   476840 0.003439
  yellow_18 yellow_18        N     1657   476840 0.003475
  yellow_15 yellow_15        N     4159   476840 0.008722

The final column is the genotyping rate for that individual. Looking at the first row, the individual dark_13 has 4994 missing SNPs out of 476840, producing a missing genotype rate of 0.01047.

In this tutorial, we are not excluding any SNPs or individuals from downstream association analyses. However, if the missing genotype rate per SNP or individual is high, PLINK has tags to exclude those genotypes or individuals based on user-specified criteria.

Next, convert the output file (coatColor) to PLINK binary format (fam,bed,bim) for downstream analysis:

plink --file coatColor --allow-no-sex --dog --make-bed --noweb --out coatColor.binary

--make-bed creates a new PLINK binary file set, after applying sample/variant filters and other operations.

Step 5: Run a simple association analysis

Learn more about association tests here

plink --bfile coatColor.binary --make-pheno coatColor.pheno "yellow" --assoc --reference-allele minor_alleles --allow-no-sex --adjust --dog --noweb --out coatColor


What are these new PLINK tags?

--bfile: takes .binary file as input.

--assoc: performs a standard case/control association analysis which is a chi-square test of allele frequency.

--adjust: enables correction for multiple analysis and automatically calculates the genomic inflation factor

Last update: April 26, 2021