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Website navigation

The website uses several forms of navigation:

Navigation type Specified in About
Navigation tabs name of tutorial folder, separated by hyphens (e.g., 'Bioinformatics-Skills/' is rendered as 'Bioinformatics Skills') * Currently organized by topic and user type
Left TOC .pages Table of contents for each tab and tutorial (if there are multiple pages)
Right TOC #, ##, etc. markdown headers Table of contents for each tutorial page
Tab overview for tab section Landing page describing the contents of the tab
Tutorial overview for tutorial section, must include a yaml header with layout: page and a title: Landing page describing the contents of the tutorial
Next/previous page arrows yaml header title: for initial page of each section; page titles in markdown (#) used for subsequent pages Navigate from one page to the next with the arrows at the bottom of each webpage

*MkDocs will ignore separators like hyphens and underscores, but not periods. For consistency, only separate words with hyphens!

Website style guide


Website features

MkDocs extensions, plugins, and other features are specified in the mkdocs.yml file. Additional MkDocs features are specified in the stylesheets/extra.css file.

A useful resource is the list of plugins for MkDocs categorized by functionality.

These are the markdown_extensions the website uses:

Extension About
pymdownx.details Details is an extension that creates collapsible elements that hide their content
pymdownx.emoji The Emoji extension adds support for inserting emoji via simple short names enclosed within colons
admonition admonition boxes. Note that admonition boxes do not render in the markdown doc, you need to check the formatting in the rendered website
codehilite with guess_lang: false Add code/syntax highlighting to standard Python-Markdown code blocks
toc with permalink: true Table of contents formatting
pymdownx.superfences Nesting of code/quote block fences and tabbed fences
pymdownx.extra Improve compatibility of Python Markdown with PyMdown Extensions
pymdownx.keys Render keyboard keys

These are the plugins the website uses:

Plugin About
awesome-pages page organization
git-revision-date-localized page last updated dates
htmlproofer hyperlink checker

Check the MkDocs changelog page for release, upgrade, and deprecation notes! When there are plugin updates, be sure to update your local version of the plugins. The Github repo always pulls the most up-to-date version of the plugins.

For example, these commands update mkdocs-material and the awesome-pages plugins:

pip install --upgrade mkdocs-material
pip install mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin --upgrade

These are the Javascript features the website uses:

Feature About
javascripts/medium-zoom.min.js and javascripts/extra.js files specify image zoom functionality
markdown extensions (pymdownx.tabbed) as well as custom javascript logic for the drop down boxes specify user-chooseable boxes and dropdown boxes
javascripts/asciinema-player.js and stylesheets/asciinema-player.css files enables integration of asciinema player for screencasts rendering

Website host and Github branches

The website is hosted by The development branch dev renders to a private ReadtheDocs website (Admin access required): The public-facing branch stable renders to a public ReadtheDocs website:

Guidelines for adding or fixing website content are detailed in the CFDE's training website release plan. To summarize, changes are merged from individual branches to the dev branch as pull requests (PR). For each public release of the website, dev is merged to stable. Each PR stage requires a form of review specified in the release plan. Release notes are generated for each new release and added to the "Release Notes" page of the website.

Last update: March 30, 2021