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Rendering a GitHub Website Locally with MkDocs

MkDocs is a static site generator built for project documentation. It comes with easy to use and customizable themes and features. The documentation files are written in Markdown and configured using a single configuration file in YAML format. The generated site can be hosted on any hosting platform including GitHub pages, Amazon S3 or readthedocs.

Learning Objectives

  • Install MkDocs
  • Add website content
  • Change default theme
  • Host the website on

35 mins

  • Access to MacOS, Windows or Linux system
  • To install MkDocs the system should either have Python > v3.5 or suitable package manager like conda installed.
  • Have git installed on your computer
  • Basic command line skills
  • Admin and/or owner access to is required for hosting the website.

Step 1: Install MkDocs

MkDocs can be installed via a package manager or manually using pip the Python package manager. In this tutorial, installation using pip and conda are detailed. Choose either one installation route to begin.

pip is python package manager. To use pip as an installer you will need Python installed on your system. For more details on pip installation, please visit the official website. The instructions to set up MkDocs using pip follow the tutorial from MkDocs.

MkDocs prerequisite

Python v3.5 or higher is required. Consider installing inside a conda environment with python v3.5 or newer.

To upgrade pip, run:

pip install --upgrade pip

Then install MkDocs:

pip install mkdocs

To check if MkDocs was successfully installed, run mkdocs with --version flag:

$ mkdocs --version
mkdocs, version 1.1.2

Modification for Windows OS

Some of the installation commands may not compile correctly on Windows OS. Running the python module as a script might fix it. To do so, add -m flag to python commands:

python -m pip install mkdocs
python -m mkdocs

We can also utilize conda package management system to install MkDocs. If you do not have conda installed, you can follow installation steps for MacOS,Windows or Linux operating systems.

Create a new conda environment called mkdocs that runs the latest version of python 3:

conda create --name mkdocs python=3
Then activate the environment:

conda activate mkdocs

MkDocs is hosted on conda-forge channel. We first add this channel to our conda configuration:

conda config --add channels conda-forge

To ensure we are installing the latest version of MkDocs, we can search all available versions:

conda search mkdocs --channel conda-forge

Install the latest version which was v1.1.2 at the time of this tutorial:

conda install mkdocs=1.1.2

Step 2: Build MkDocs site using template from GitHub

For this tutorial, we will use a template website hosted on GitHub, that was generated using MkDocs to modify and add content. First, let us create a local copy of the repo:

git clone

Navigate to the newly created directory with the name of the repo. The .yml file in yaml format specifies the layout of tabs on each webpage. All the actual webpages are stored in the docs directory and currently it contains an "" file.

We can render the website locally.

mkdocs serve
# Generated output on a MacOS

(mkdocs) scanchi@ mkdocs-demo $ mkdocs serve
INFO    -  Building documentation...
INFO    -  Cleaning site directory
INFO    -  Documentation built in 0.06 seconds
[I 200713 13:58:47 server:334] Serving on
INFO    -  Serving on
[I 200713 13:58:47 handlers:62] Start watching changes
INFO    -  Start watching changes
[I 200713 13:58:47 handlers:64] Start detecting changes
INFO    -  Start detecting changes

Copy and paste the server address to a web browser to render the site. When you are done checking the local version, Ctrl+C to close the server.

Step 3: Add content on MkDocs site

One key feature of the dev-server that MkDocs offers is the auto-reloading when any change is detected. Open the "mkdocs.yml" file using any text editor and change site name to MkDocs Trial and save. You will notice the website will automatically reflect the change in title.

Next we will contents for About section of the website. Create a blank markdown file in docs folder and name it "". Add some sample contents to this file and save:

# About Mkdocs

This site was generated using MkDocs v1.1.2

We have to add navigation information to the configuration file which will dictate the order, title and nesting of the additional pages. The updated "mkdocs.yml" file will contain:

site_name: MkDocs Trial
    - Home:
    - About:

These changes are reflected in the website with the Home, About icons on the left along Search, Previous and Next on the right side on the top navigation bar. The navigation bar additions and the search features are integrated in MkDocs without requiring additional configuration on the user end.

Step 4: Change default theme

MkDocs comes installed with two themes: Bootstrap and readthedocs. To change the theme to readthedocs, add this line in the "mkdocs.yml" file:

theme: readthedocs

To recreate the look of CFDE training website, we will install an external MkDocs theme called Material for MkDocs. List of all available external MkDocs themes can be found at MkDocs wiki page. Choose either pip or conda to install the material theme.

pip install mkdocs-material
conda install mkdocs-material

We can either choose to install a specific version for this theme or by default install the latest available version. The website should automatically update with the new theme.

Options to deploy the generated website are elaborated on the MkDocs official website.

For the website to be hosted on a text file with instructions to import the material theme needs to the added to the main folder of the website. This file contains the following string: mkdocs-material.

Step 5: Host the website on Read the Docs

Read the Docs requirement

You need admin and/or owner privileges to host the website.


After log in, click import project. This should take you to a list of GitHub repos.

Click on the repo of interest.

Next go to Project Settings on the right nav-bar and click into Advanced Settings.

Change the following setting:

  1. Set Default version to latest

  2. Set Default branch to name-of-your-theme

    • You only need to do this step if you are changing the theme of the website. Readthedocs uses the master branch as the default branch to render the website. Since your new theme is on a different branch, it will not yet appear on your master branch. By changing the default branch in readthedocs, you can render your branch of choice.
    • If you are making minor changes to the theme (e.g. adding a file or fixing a typo), you may push changes to the preview branch and use that link to render on a PR.
  3. Scroll down to the Documentation type drop down menu and select Mkdocs (Markdown)

  4. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

  5. Now select the appropriate branch that you wish to build. In the case of major theme change, that branch would be Latest. And click the green button that says Build. This process takes a few mins.

  6. Finally, make your website public like so:

    • Click on the Versions tab.
    • Click the EDIT button next to the master branch.
    • Find the setting called 'Privacy Level' and select 'Public' from the dropdown menu.

Key Points

You now have a workflow to customize your static website, generate content and host on Enjoy your new website!

Last update: April 12, 2021